Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category


May 14, 2012

By Cay Randall-May, Ph.D.,  the HEALER WHO CREATES

If you have ever set a goal for personal or professional growth and change only to find yourself afraid of actually achieving that goal, you are not alone.  Facing and transforming our fear of change is an essential and fundamental step in growth.  Sometimes we are faced with the dilemma that what we wish to change, whether it our weight or behavior, serves us in some way.  For example, shyness may be a protection from drawing too much attention to self.  Over weight sometimes serves the same purpose.  Social isolation can be a way to avoid potentially painful relationships, especially if we haven’t worked through past hurts or grief.

If you find these words particularly meaningful and would like to explore some strategies for facing and transforming those fears which may work against your positive change, tune into my next TRANZFORM U show, May 17, 2012 to be broadcast 4 to 5:30 pm on or call into to listen using 818-431-8518.

My guest for this show will be radio show personality and sensitive, Michael Gogger.  He and I will be joined by Jason Randall, who helps screen our calls and runs the on-line chat room during the show.  Jason sometimes adds his unique intuitive wisdom to the on-line readings which we do on the show.  We would like to hear from you even if you wouldn’t like to have a reading, perhaps you would just like to share your methods for eliminating fear of change from your life.

In my own case, I have learned how to maintain my healthy weight by getting over fear of overeating.  When food is seen as a beneficial resource rather than a tempting trap, it is easier to make healthy choices at each meal.  Your fears may be quite different, but each of us can relate to the need to reframe or rethink our resistance to positive, healthy change.


April 22, 2012

Nervous, uneasy, uncomfortable were how I felt as I awaited my last colonoscopy.  Although I was thoroughly prepped for the procedure, there was a delay and as I was left wondering how much longer I would have to wait.  I wasn’t asleep, merely relaxed by the anesthetic which had been administered a few minutes earlier.  Even though physically calm, my was still uneasy until I noticed in my mind’s eye an enormous winged figure standing to the right of the gurney.

He suddenly appeared and mentally assured me that he had been ‘requested to come’ to me for comfort and protection.  I immediately recognized him as an angel by his immense size and enormous wings.  In my imagination I could clearly see that he carried a sword, which I associate with the Archangel Michael.

Immediately, I felt safer.  Even if this was only a dream brought on by the sedation, it didn’t matter to me at the time because I felt secure and protected.  I knew that I would come through the test without a problem, and I did.

About a week later, at our next prayer group meeting, I described my experience and one of my friends who immediately exclaimed, “That was Archangel Michael.  I asked him to be with you during the colonoscopy.”  What a gift her request had been.

If you have seen an angel or experienced a visitation or vision, you should listen to the next episode of my TRANZFORM U blogtalk radio show.  My guest, radio personality and professional intuitive, Michael Gogger, and I will discuss the Angel Connection.  We will discuss how to experience the healing help of the  guardians, guides, protectors and healers who are around us all.

You can call into the show using 1-818-431-8518 to speak with me, Michael, or our assistant, Jason, about your experience with angels and guides, to ask a question, to participate in the simultaneous on-line chat room, or to receive a mini-reading on air.  Broadcast time is Thursday, April 26,  4 to 5:30 pm Phoenix,Arizona, time (Pacific Time) and 7 to 8:30 pm EST.

Visit my website, to listen to our previous radio programs, to find out about my upcoming schedule of Intuitive Pathway classes and appearances, or to arrange for an intuitive reading with me.  You can reach me by email at   Check out Michael Gogger on Facebook and follow his many programs for updates on his appearances and readings.  Email Michael at  Jason Randall can also be contacted for readings by email to


January 15, 2012

Visit and be drawn into a creative whirlwind with enough energy to forever change your view of what it means to use all of one’s talents.  That is Cyd Damian’s life goal.  Although writing and performing music is his main driving force, Cyd is not the typical musician.

I met Cyd at a exhibit of his abstract oil paintings held at Studio ADT, 2120 E. 6th Street in Tempe, Arizona (480-967-4555).  I was intrigued the colors, textures, overall format of his canvas pieces were often first developed and applied to his guitars.

His is the only art exhibit I have ever attended which included painted musical instruments which the artist could actually play to perform his original music.   Cyd’s artistic purpose is to ‘open the mind to explore new horizons’ and as I viewed his colorful guitars hanging next to his paintings it took a while for me to understand that they are functional instruments.

Intrigued to hear his music, I visited his web site and listened to pieces with names such as “Orion Slave Girl”, “Batidas”, “Last Chance to Ride”, “The Ballard of Bat Dish” and many more.  I am awed at how one person can be proficient in auditory as well as visual media.

Many artists, including myself, paint in oils, acrylics, watercolors and other painting media.  These are different enough, but all appeal to the sense of vision. Few people bridge the senses with any degree of proficiency.  Cyd Damian does it with a graceful ease that isn’t forced or contrived.  His paintings invoke visual melody, tempo, and potent silence in the viewer.  An exhibition of his work is a trans-sensory kaleidoscopic experience.

It that weren’t enough, Cyd is also a photographer.  He plays with light, value, and tonal degrees like he might strum cords on his guitar.  It will be my pleasure to interview Cyd Damian on the Jan. 24, 2012 episode of my Buff Brain, Easy Workouts for the Mind  program (4:30 to 5:30 pm Phoenix time;  6:30 to 7:30 pm EST).  The call in number is 1-818-431-8518 or follow the program on  Archives of the show will be posted on Facebook and Twitter.  Please email me at if you would like me to post the archive on your Facebook page or email it to you after the show.

Above and Beyond to Debut on Tuesday, July 12

July 7, 2011

   ABOVE AND BEYOND: CELEBRATING SELFLESS SERVICE blog talk radio show will debut next Tuesday, July 12, with two outstanding guests.  Susan Junck will tell us about NAMI, the National Association of the Mentally Ill, and their outreach to those whose families have been touched by mental illness.  NAMI is a nationwide organization with strong educational and volunteer programs in nearly every community.  Even if your family is not directly touched by mental illness, you will want to learn more about this organization.

Our second guest will be Vice-Mayor Joanne Osborne of Goodyear, Arizona.  You can read more about her below.  She will speak about a local program to provide water to the homeless during the severe Arizona heat.  Also, we will discuss the Homeless Youth Connection, a cause about which she feels very passionate. 

Here is a link to the Homeless Youth Connection for those who will want to learn more about this cause. 

Joanne Osborne was re-elected to her second four-year term in 2011 and through a vote by Council was elected Vice Mayor. She was elected to her first four-year council term in 2007.    
Long active in the community, Councilmember Osborne is serving on the board of the YMCA and is leader of the YMCA Teen Action Council. Currently she’s Chair of the Maricopa Association of Governments’ Continuum of Care Regional Committee on Homelessness and Vice Chair of their Human Services Coordinating Committee. Joanne is also a board member with Homeless Youth Connection.

As owners of Osborne Jewelers since November 1990, Joanne and her husband, Ken, have been active participants in the Goodyear business community and the Southwest Valley Chamber of Commerce. Councilmember Osborne served as the Chairman of the Chamber’s Marketing Committee in 2003 and 2004 and was named the “Outstanding Chamber Member of the Year” in 2003.

 You will be able to listen to the program on the internet at  Also you can call into the program with your comments or questions or listen over the telephone by dialing 1-818-431-8518.







June 29, 2011

Have you noticed that  folks who live longest and enjoy life most are those with inner peace?  They aren’t perfect, and that’s okay with them.  They may not have accumulated a world of things or fabulous accomplishments, but they have inner peace.  You can find it, too.  Tune into TRANZFORM U blogtalk radio show tomorrow, June 30, 4 to 6 pm Arizona time, to hear my guest, Kebba Buckley Button, discuss her new book, “Peace Within”.   Kebba will share her journey to inner peace and give us some pointers along the way.

Visit to learn more about Kebba and her books. 

Two new programs will be coming soon… keep posted!


June 26, 2011

Everyone please follow this blog to listen to my new blog talk radio station.  Every Thursday, 4 to 6 pm Phoenix time,  7 to 9 pm EST, please tune to TRANZFORM U.  My guests and I discuss personal and professional transformation as well as do on-line intuitive mini-readings (not health related) for callers.  On June 30, 2011, my guest will be Kebba Buckley Button talking about how to find inner peace.  Her new book, “Peace Within” will be featured and  one lucky listener will receive a free copy.  The call-in number is 1-818-431-8518.  You can listen to the archives of the show or to each one as it is broadcast by visiting

New shows will be aired soon, so keep posted and visit the blog often. 


Solstice Greeting

December 20, 2010

            Hope is the word for this shortest day of the year.  Webster defines the word as, “desire accompanied by expectation.”  December 21 is a day of great expectation,  strongly supported by desire for a more balanced, healthy life. 

            Please join me as I launch a new creative project… the TRANZFORM U  blog radio show with internet radio personality and friend,  Michael Gogger.  He will share his life journey through the past few months in which he has shed 300 lbs. and fundamentally changed his lifestyle for the better. 

            I will also relate my healing journey catalyzed by my recent loss of 30 lbs. and experience of detecting and treating Stage One breast cancer.  All these events have left Michael and me changed for the better and even more determined than ever to continue our unique processes of personal and professional transformation.

           We invite you to leave comments here on this blog, listen to the show every Tuesday 1 to 2 pm, EST,  11 am to noon Phoenix, Arizona, time.  The call in number during the show is 646-200-3942. Shows will be archived on my website, and

            We want to hear from you.

The ‘Creative Itch’: A Highly Contagious Malady

May 22, 2010

by Cay Randall-May,   the ‘Healer Who Creates’ 

            If you spend time around writers, musicians, and painters expect to catch the ‘Creative Itch’.  It can’t be cured, but that’s o.k.  This is an affliction you can live with.  In fact, a bout of CI if allowed to blossom into action can facilitate healing on  physical, emotional, and spiritual levels.

            Lots of people have a sub clinical case of CI.  They feel a vague inclination to paint, write, play music, dance, etc., but are able to resist the urge.  The world is a poorer place when this happens.  Thank goodness, even the   wormy apple on the ground under a neglected tree nurtures seeds which can sprout.  Our inspirations are the same.

            Don’t be so hard on yourself if you pass on today’s creative urge.  More of the same stuff is on its way if you have a genuine case of CI.  The infection can be encouraged by reading books like mine, “Healing and the Creative Response”, taking part in writer’s groups, such as the Scottsdale Society of Women Writers, belonging to and actually attending meetings of the Arizona Artists’ Guild, or visiting a museum, concert, or play. 

            In fact, CI is a cure, not a  dis-ease.  It helps bring us into balance by allowing our innermost thoughts and emotions to be expressed.  In future blogs I would like to chat a bit with you about how to take action on your ‘Creative Itch’.


May 13, 2010


by Cay Randall-May, Ph.D., the Healer Who Creates

    On May l, 2010, I attended a Survivors of Suicide (SOS) conference held in Phoenix, Arizona, facilitated by Stuart Smith of The Link Counseling Center in Atlanta, Georgia.  As part of his all-day presentation, Smith led the group of approximately 100 participants in an exercise intended to help us process our grief through poetry. 

    He directed us to write down words at random while listening to a brief selection of semi-classical music.  When the music stopped and each person had a list of words, he suggested that we form them together into a poem. 

    Several people volunteered to read their poems to the group.  They presented a range of  iambic pentameter, free verse, loose association prose poems.  Each poet had heard the same music but responded from their depths to craft a uniquely healing composition. 

    Here is mine created in that very brief period.  It’s a fragment, not polished, but an example of how the ‘creative response’ which I describe in my book, “Healing and the Creative Response” (Brooks Goldmann Publ., 2010) can be used.

Through window framed

by frosty moonlight

silver sails seek safe harbor

against restless surf.

Over a kaleidoscope of  slick stones

I stumble through shimmering dunes

With shredded maroon velvet hem

Cascading through memories’ dream prism.


May 13, 2010

By Cay Randall-May,  the Healer Who Creates 

    On May l, 2010, I attended a Survivors of Suicide (SOS) conference held in Phoenix, Arizona, facilitated by Stuart Smith of The Link Counseling Center in Atlanta, Georgia.  As part of his all-day presentation, Smith led the group of approximately 100 participants in an exercise intended to help us process our grief through poetry.  

    He directed us to write down words at random while listening to a brief selection of semi-classical music.  When the music stopped and each person had a list of words, he suggested that we form them together into a poem. 

    Several people volunteered to read their poems to the group.  They presented a range of  iambic pentameter, free verse, loose association prose poems.  Each poet had heard the same music but responded from their depths to craft a uniquely healing composition. 

    Here is mine created in that very brief period.  It’s a fragment, not polished, but an example of how the ‘creative response’ which I describe in my book, “Healing and the Creative Response” (Brooks Goldmann Publ., 2010) can be used.

Through window framed

by frosty moonlight

silver sails seek safe harbor

against restless surf.

Over a kaleidoscope of  slick stones

I stumble through shimmering dunes

With shredded maroon velvet hem

Cascading through memories’ dream prism.